Few and far between are the successful musical projects of Oscar-nominated actors and film producers. Fewer still, are albums originally intended as soundtracks for stage plays about monster/ghost love stories. Add in a collaboration with the Silverlake Conservatory Children’s Choir, and the self-imposed rule to record no more than three takes of each song (often with instruments the band had no experience playing), and the result is a striking collection of charismatically scrappy songs, revelling in their unevenness and enthusiastically celebrating their hand-made imperfections.
A passion project between Ryan Gosling and Zach Shields, the Los Angeles duo Dead Man’s Bones released only one album. Their self-titled, 13-track record is a hearty, romanticised tribute to all things spooky and supernatural. Though on the surface the concept album may seem like a gimmick- a themed collection to dust off once a year- make no mistake: this record is strong enough to last long after the cobwebs have been cleared away.
Highlights: In The Room Where You Sleep
Pa Pa Power Young & Tragic